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2023-04-05 09:00:54


  If you have an infrared camera, you will need a housing for it. There are many factors you need to take into account when machining an infrared camera housing. In this article, we will introduce the factors that need to be considered in detail to help you make more accurate machining of the infrared camera housing.


  1. The processing of the infrared camera housing is affected by the ambient temperature


  The environment temperature is very important for the processing of the infrared camera housing. If the environment temperature is unstable, it may affect the machining accuracy of your infrared camera housing. To prevent your infrared camera housing from being affected, you need to ensure that the temperature in the warehouse is stable. Environmental temperature may affect the operation and appearance of the housing.


  This will make the background of the infrared camera information bright, which is called "thermal perspective" in optical imaging. Moreover, when the edge of the housing is unstable, this "thermal perspective" will also be exposed.


  2. Surface roughness


  Surface roughness is one of the most important factors affecting the machining accuracy of the infrared camera housing. If the surface roughness is too high, it will affect the optical performance of your housing. In addition, surface roughness will also affect the sealing of your infrared camera housing.


  3. balance


  In order to make the infrared camera housing more balanced, appropriate processing methods need to be used. To process a balanced housing, you need to consider the periphery of the housing first. You need to get accurate dimensions by measuring the environment of the far-infrared sensor.


  4. sealing

  最后,密封是非常重要的,因?yàn)槊芊?a href="/index.php?m=home&c=Tags&a=lists&tagid=1459" >可以防止熱像儀外殼中的氣體、水蒸氣及其他物質(zhì)進(jìn)入。如果你的外殼沒(méi)有良好的密封性,那么氣體可能會(huì)損壞你的熱像儀,水蒸氣也可能會(huì)腐蝕你的熱像儀,因此密封是非常必要的。而且,如果你的熱像儀外殼沒(méi)有良好的密封性,那么它可能會(huì)影響你的熱像儀的性能。

  Finally, sealing is very important because it can prevent gases, water vapor and other substances from entering the infrared camera housing. If your housing is not well sealed, then the gas may damage your infrared camera, and water vapor may corrode your infrared camera, so sealing is very necessary. Moreover, if your infrared camera housing is not well sealed, it may affect the performance of your infrared camera.

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